We are just beginning the process of writing an AI policy in with our Tech policy. The Hive has been great for some info as well as InfoTech.
If you'd like to reach out to me, I can share anything I have that might be helpful. Diana
Diana Potts
Director of Administration
Distinctly Fayetteville
Fayetteville NC
+1 (910) 483-5311
Original Message:
Sent: 08-28-2024 10:37
From: Mitch Mitchem
Subject: IT and AI policies
Hey there. We are currently rolling out a program with VISIT DENVER where we had a kick off AI training event, along with department workshops and other tools to help them both integrate and leverage AI, we also helped them build a policy. Here are some guidelines from the material we gave them. Let me know if you want to jump on a call to discuss.
Here is a sample slide deck of some basics on AI, the models we are using at VISIT DENVER in the workshops that they will be using, and tips for policy, leadership etc.
Let me know your thoughts.
Mitch Mitchem
Hive Interactive
Denver CO
+1 (720) 470-4961
Original Message:
Sent: 05-22-2024 19:07
From: Heather Moreno
Subject: IT and AI policies
Hi all!
We are refreshing our IT policy, and will also be including a section on AI. Would anyone have one or both of those to share with us?
Thanks so much!
Heather Moreno
Sr Director of Systems & Operations
Visit Seattle
Seattle WA
+1 (206) 461-5847