Business Operations

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  • 1.  IT and AI policies

    Posted 05-22-2024 19:07

    Hi all!

    We are refreshing our IT policy, and will also be including a section on AI.  Would anyone have one or both of those to share with us?

    Thanks so much!


    Heather Moreno
    Sr Director of Systems & Operations
    Visit Seattle
    Seattle WA
    +1 (206) 461-5847

  • 2.  RE: IT and AI policies

    Posted 08-28-2024 10:38
      |   view attached

    Hey there. We are currently rolling out a program with VISIT DENVER where we had a kick off AI training event, along with department workshops and other tools to help them both integrate and leverage AI, we also helped them build a policy. Here are some guidelines from the material we gave them. Let me know if you want to jump on a call to discuss.

    Here is a sample slide deck of some basics on AI, the models we are using at VISIT DENVER in the workshops that they will be using, and tips for policy, leadership etc.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    Mitch Mitchem
    Hive Interactive
    Denver CO
    +1 (720) 470-4961


    A Brief on AI with HIVE.pdf   10.75 MB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: IT and AI policies

    Posted 08-29-2024 10:58

    We are just beginning the process of writing an AI policy in with our Tech policy.  The Hive has been great for some info as well as InfoTech. 

    If you'd like to reach out to me, I can share anything I have that might be helpful. Diana

    Diana Potts
    Director of Administration
    Distinctly Fayetteville
    Fayetteville NC
    +1 (910) 483-5311

  • 4.  RE: IT and AI policies

    Posted 08-29-2024 11:48

    This is great! Thank you. We are doing some training in October and working on AI policies at the same time.


     Racene Friede President CEO

    Glacier Country

    3021 Palmer Street, STE A | PO Box 17631 | Missoula, MT 59808
    406.532.3234 Office | 406.544.2697 Cell


    Glacier Country Regional Tourism Commission shall not be liable, nor assume any responsibility, for any physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, disease or damage to an individual, to property or to third parties that may arise out of or in any way related to, directly or indirectly, an individual's participation in an event, of any kind or nature, or familiarization trip sponsored, funded, supported, conducted, directed, organized, planned, controlled, prepared or scheduled by the Glacier Country Regional Tourism Commission (collectively, an "Event"). Participants who participate in an Event do so at their own risk and do so only after executing an Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk, Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement. 



  • 5.  RE: IT and AI policies

    Posted 08-30-2024 00:30

    Let me know if that pdf helped. As a company that teaches the tools of AI to DMOs and companies around the globe, I'm seeing many of these policies. 

    Mitch Mitchem
    Hive Interactive
    Denver CO
    +1 (720) 470-4961